R+D+i in figures

​Some Figures (2017)

  • Number of Institutes: 4
  • Number of Departments: 32
  • Number of catalogued research groups: 167  


Total by years

Projects developed with external funding in recent years. Those funded by public research (Competitive Research) organizations are included, as well as those funded through Art.83 LOU (contract research) research agreements.

Evolution of finance obtained for Research during the years 2013-2017

Distribution of funding

Research funding 2013-2017

Research funding 2017


Competitive Research

Research projects funded through public calls of official organisms. The projects in the National R+D Programme, the European Union Framework Programme and other public calls of public organisms are included.


Evolution of finance obtained for Competitive Research during the years 2013-2017

Distribution of funding in competitive research

Funding obtained for competitive research 2013-2017
Funding obtained for competitive research 2017

Contracted Research

Research projects funded through Art. 83 LOU agreements.Proyectos de investigación financiados a través de convenios Art.83 LOU.

Evolution of finance obtained in contracted research during the years 2013-2017

Distribution of research funding contracted

Financing collected contracted research 2013-2017

Financing collected contracted research 2017

Financing obtained by large areas

Financing obtained by large areas 2013-2017

Financing obtained by large areas 2017

Research groups by large areas