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3.4 Million Euro European grant to OceaNET, a new network of engineers and researchers for the study of marine renewable

Among its partners is IH Cantabria in the University of Cantabria
Engineering and Architecture

A network of ten universities and research institutes - as well as several companies as associate partners - has obtained a 3.4 Million Euro grant from the FP7 European Programme Marie Curie Initial Training Network for the Oceanet project. The object of Oceanet ITN is to train a new generation of engineers and scientists in the field of marine, floating and wave energy in order to support this emerging sector.

The Oceanet project will focus its efforts on the areas of joint design, implementation and operation and maintenance of the waves and floating offshore wind energy applications. The development of support technologies to support the implementation and operation of batteries will also be explored. ITN aims to expand the current experience of fixed base offshore wind energy developing it with floating offshore wind power and wave energy. In parallel with the technical objectives of the project, Oceanet aims to create a network among partners and associated partners.

The training programme will include research projects developed in doctoral programmes, short courses on various topics related to the field of marine renewable energies and secondments to industrial partners in order to develop relations between academics and industries.
Participating agencies

Partners in the Oceanet program are: IH Cantabria-University of Cantabria (Spain), WavEC Offshore Renewables (Portugal), Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), Fraunhofer-IWES (Germany), MARIN (Holland), University College Cork (Ireland), The University of Exeter (United Kingdom) École Centrale de Nantes (France) and Fundación Tecnalia.
Some companies have also joined the project: ESB Energy International (Ireland), Kymaner, Blue Edge, Critical Materials, Critical Software (Portugal), Oceantec Marine Energy (Spain), INNOSEA (France), Woelfel Beratende Ingenieure (Germany), EDP Inovação (Portugal), Mojo Maritime Ltd. (United Kingdom), Seabased (Sweden), Fortum (Finland), Ocean Energy Ltd. (Ireland), Aalborg University (Denmark), HIDROMOD (Portugal) and ABENGOA SA SEAPOWER. (Spain).

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