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Data from: Multi-image flock size estimation with CountEm: a case study with half a million Common Eiders and Greater Snow Geese

Abstract: The present data set is related to the manuscript "Multi-image flock size estimation with CountEm: A case study with half a million Common Eiders and Greater Snow Geese" submitted to the Ecosphere journal.

The files COEI_data.csv and GSGO_data.csv contain data and results of the 179 COEI and 99 GSGO ECA Flocks images respectively. The files have one row per image. Both files have 9 columns corresponding to the following variables:?Filenumber? is used to identify the number of the corresponding image, namely ?001? to ?099? for GSGO, and ?001? to ?179? for COEI.-?N?: Total number of annotated birds in the image.-?Nest?: Bird number estimation (bN 439 ) obtained with a single real mode CountEm run.-?CE_sim?: Empirical coefficient of error (relative standard error, CEe(bN 440 )) obtained from 2000 simulated measurements in simulation mode.-?f?: Sampling fraction used in the real mode CountEm run.- ?n0?: Initial number of quadrats used in the real mode CountEm run.-?Q?: Total number of birds (i.e. sample size) counted in the real mode CountEm estimation.- ?n?: Number of non-empty quadrats counted in the real mode CountEm estimation.- ?UserTime?: Counting time (in minutes) in the real mode CountEm estimation.-?ManualTime?: Counting time (in minutes) of the manual annotation process with ImageJ.

Repositorio: Zenodo

 Año de publicación: 2022

 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5819210

 Citación completa: Cruz, M., González-Villa, J., Lefebvre, J., Gilliland, S., St-Pierre, F., English, M. & Lepage, C. (2022). Data from: Multi-image flock size estimation with CountEm: a case study with half a million Common Eiders and Greater Snow Geese. [Dataset]. (Version 1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5819210







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