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Application of multiple geomatic techniques for coastline retreat analysis: the case of Gerra beach (Cantabrian coast, Spain)

Abstract: The beaches of the Cantabrian coast (northern Spain) are exposed to strong winter storms that cause the coastline to recede. In this article, the coastal retreat of the Gerra beach (Cantabria) is analyzed through a diachronic study using the following di erent geomatic techniques: orthophotography of the year 1956; photogrammetric flights from 2001, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2017; Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) survey from August 2012; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) survey from November 2018; and terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) through two dates per year (spring and fall) from April 2012 to April 2020. With the 17 observations of TLS, di erences in volume of the beach and the sea cli are determined during the winter (November?April) and summer (May?October) periods, searching their relationship with the storms in this eight-year period (2012?2020). From the results of this investigation it can be concluded that the retreat of the base of the cli is insignificant, but this is not the case for the top of the cli and for the existing beaches in the Cantabrian Sea where the retreat is evident. The retreat of the cli top line in Gerra beach, between 1956 and 2020 has shown values greater than 40 m. The retreat in other beaches of the Cantabrian Sea, in the same period, has been more than 200 m. With our measurements, investigations carried out on the retreat of the cli s on the Atlantic coast have been reinforced, where the diversity of the cli lithology and the aggressive action of the sea (storms) have been responsible for the active erosion on the face cli . In addition, this research applied geomatic techniques that have appeared commercially during the period (1956?2020), such as aerial photogrammetry, TLS, LiDAR, and UAV and analyzed the results to determine the precision that could be obtained with each method for its application to similar geomorphological structures.

 Fuente: Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 3669

 Editorial: MDPI

 Año de publicación: 2020

 Nº de páginas: 23

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.3390/rs12213669

 ISSN: 2072-4292
