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Prediction of promising phase change materials candidates for active optical devices via DFT calculations

Abstract: Group-III monochalcogenides compounds are layered van der Waals semiconductors intensively studied for development of optoelectronic applications. Their large optical contrast between crystalline-amorphous phases is among the desirable properties for the new paradigm of reconfigurable devices. In this contribution we will present band and dielectric function simulations of GaX (X=S, Se, Te) using density-functional theory. Although the description of optical response poses a great challenge for single-particle formalisms, insight gained from detailed and orbital contributing is very useful in material engineering.

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 Autoría: Juan D., Gutiérrez Y., Santos G., García-Fernández P., Junquera J., Losurdo M., Moreno F.,

 Congreso: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (12ª : 2022 : Torremolinos, Málaga)

 Editorial: META

 Año de publicación: 2022

 Nº de páginas: 1

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 ISSN: 2429-1390