Profesora Titular en el área de Economía Financiera de la Universidad de Cantabria. Directora de Santander Financial Institute (SANFI), Instituto Mixto de la Universidad de Cantabria, y responsable del grupo de investigación de Banca y Finanzas de la Empresa. Ha dirigido varias tesis doctorales y realizado numerosas publicaciones en revistas científicas de ámbito nacional e internacional, así como libros en editoriales de prestigio. Ejerce su actividad docente en grado y postgrado en materias relacionadas con los mercados financieros y finanzas corporativas. Responsable del programa "Business, Banking and Finance", en colaboración con la Universidad de Carolina del Norte (Charlotte) en EEUU.
Consejera del Instituto de Finanzas de Cantabria (ICAF) y de la Oficina de Proyectos Europeos (OPE) del Gobierno de Cantabria. Vocal del Consejo Económico y Social de Cantabria (CESCAN).
Fue Decana de la Facultad de CC.EE y Empresariales de la Universidad de Cantabria, Directora de Area de Profesorado en el Vicerrectorado de Profesorado y Directora del Departamento de Administración de Empresas.
Entre otros reconocimientos ha recibido el premio al "Economista del año", otorgado por el Colegio de Economistas de Cantabria.
Associate Professor in Banking and Finance and Director of Santander Financial Institute (SANFI), a research center at University of Cantabria. She has been the manager of the program supported by Banco Santander focused in Financial Education (awarded as the best Spanish initiative in 2018 by the Bank of Spain). Independent member of the Board in ICAF (Institute of Finance in Cantabria) and OPE (European Projects Office), both State owned financing entities in the region of Cantabria. Her research interests include banking and corporate finance, topics in which she has published numerous articles in prestigious scientific journals and has collaborated in several books. She has directed and supervised several doctoral theses and she has participated in national and international conferences. She manages the international course "Business, Banking and Finance" between University of Cantabria and UNCC Charlotte University (USA) from the beginning of the agreement between both universities in 2014. She has served as the Dean of the Business and Economics School of the University of Cantabria (2010-2014), and as a member of the Board of a private owned fabricator of nuclear equipment (2017-2020).