Titular de Universidad con docencia especializada en marketing estratégico y distribución comercial. Sus principales líneas de investigación se centran en la responsabilidad social corporativa, el comportamiento del consumidor, el emprendimiento y el marketing corporativo en los sectores bancario, turístico y textil, principalmente. Ha publicado más de setenta articulos en revistas internacionales de reconocido prestigio. Ha participado en numerosos congresos científicos y ha participado en la elaboración de diversos libros/capítulos en materia de marketing y responsabilidad social corporativa. Ha realizado estancias docentes y de investigación en varias universidades y centros internacionales, como el Center for Business Ethics (Bentley University, Estados Unidos), el Center for Business, Organisations and Society (University of Bath, Reino Unido), el Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (México) y la Universidade de Macau (China).
Assistant Professor teaching in the areas of strategic marketing and distribution channels. Her research interests focus on corporate social responsibility, consumer behavior, entrepreneurship and corporate marketing in the banking, tourism and fashion industries. She has published more than seventy articles in international journals of recognized prestige. She has participated in numerous scientific congresses and has participated in the elaboration of several books/chapters in the field of corporate marketing and corporate social responsibility. She has held teaching and research stays at several international universities and research centers such as the Center for Business Ethics (Bentley University, USA), the Center for Business, Organizations and Society (University of Bath, UK), Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and the University of Macau (China).