Organising Committee
Seminar coordinator
• Ignacio Palacios Martínez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) –
Parallel sessions coordinators
• Pilar García Mayo (UPV/EHU)
• Juan Manuel Hernández Campoy (Universidad de Murcia)
Literature and Culture:
• Mª Dolores Herrero Granado (Universidad de Zaragoza)
• Ana Mª Manzanas Calvo (Universidad de Salamanca)
Local organiser
• Julia Williams Camus (University of Cantabria) –
Plenary sessions
- José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo (Universidad de Alicante): “Nail that conference paper! Dos and donts to succeed”.
This seminar is intended to help you become a successful conference speaker, so attendees are expected to get both a set of guidelines and practical information on the full process (i.e., from the abstract to the presentation itself). Then, some of the questions that will be addressed are the following: Are all conferences worth attending? How to elaborate an eye-catching and clear abstract? Are there specific strategies to keep the audience’s attention? What makes visuals successful?
- Jorge Diego Sánchez (Universidad de Salamanca): “Research in Action: How to Fill (and Develop) Knowledge Transfer”.
Researchers are recommended to exploit research results in patents or, in Social Sciences and Humanities, science-to-science practices. Nevertheless, the importance of knowledge transfer in science-to-public and science-to-university activities is a box to comply with in acreditaciones, job offers or scholarships. This workshop will help you conceptualise your research and its knowledge transfer, learning how, when and what you can transfer socially and educationally. You will learn to select the social possibilities of your research to develop Capacity Building Activities, Training Seminars, Teaching Innovation Projects, and Dissemination of Results. Most importantly, you will revert self-anthropophagic comments such as “my research does not interest anybody outside an AEDEAN panel”, “how can I communicate without a PowerPoint presentation?”, “how can I explain my PhD over a family gathering?” or “what is the use of my PhD?”
Paper presentations
There will be some parallel sessions with papers on both Literature and Culture, and Linguistics.
Question and answer session
In addition to the plenary sessions and the paper presentations, the Q&A session will provide some basic information and guidance for all doctoral students with advice on writing and defending a thesis, and some reflections on the experience of doing a PhD.