Student Representation is as its name suggests the body that represents the students, dedicated to running complementary activities to the academic syllabus and to defend both collective and individual student rights.
Its most characteristic functions are:
- To participate in the running of university activities of interest to the students.
- To serve as a channel of communication between the students and the academia staff.
- To offer an information and assistance service to students.
- To participate in the creation of the teaching programme as well as in the control and evaluation of the quality of teaching.
Student Representation is comprised of:
The School Delegate, annually elected by all students, and who is their maximum representative.
The Board of Management of Representation, which forms the nucleus of the said body and which runs on a daily basis, in conjunction with the School Delegate, the necessary functions for the correct working of the said Representation.
The Representation Assembly, comprised of all students who have roles of student responsibility in the School (Class Delegates, Department Council Students, “Claustro” Students and Students on the School Board) and which is responsible for ratifying or rejecting the proposals of the School Delegate on how the Student Representative body should be run.
All these representatives are renewed annually.
Telephone: +34 942201707
Postal address:
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Avda de los Castros 44
39005 Santander
Cantabria / Spain