The University of Cantabria organises various activities to complement the professional development of research staff.
Training of Research Staff
Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff is responsible for the implementation of the procedures and planning for training of research staff. The
UC's University Teacher Training Plan aims to respond to the needs and demands of the teachers and researchers. Its main objective is to promote continuous learning and training in certain skills, helping to improve the quality of research and contribute to scientific and teaching excellence.
This plan offers a wide and varied range of training activities (virtual and face-to-face teaching, through Moodle courses) in response to the needs of today's society, the European Higher Education Area and the training demands requested by UC staff.
UC also offers a wide range of open learning courses through the
OpenCourseWare (OCW) platform. This is a digital initiative that provides open educational materials in university education.
In addition, UC promotes language training through specific courses in language skills (e.g. accreditation of teachers to teach in English). The
UC Language Centre (CIUC) offers the opportunity to attend training courses in English, German, Chinese, French and Italian, as well as Spanish courses for foreign researchers and professors coming to the UC to improve their native language skills.
There is a policy of attendance at conferences, organisation of seminars and technical events, mobility of researchers managed by the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation, Research and Science Policy and the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Global Engagement (mobility grants for teaching).
The Doctoral School collaborates by assisting the doctoral programme committees in the development of thematic training activities.
The regulations for the academic management of doctoral studies establish that doctoral programmes must include research training as an important issue, which includes transversal training and specific training for each doctoral programme.
Cross-disciplinary training in doctoral studies is organised into "Basic" and "Advanced" categories. To cover each of them, doctoral students must complete a minimum of 40 hours, so that the total of the transversal training is 80 hours. The training scheme in Basic Training addresses competences such as Science and Ethics in scientific research, preparation and writing of scientific publications, communication, dissemination and teaching of science, and knowledge transfer: intellectual property and industrial property, including information entirely taught in English.
The EDUC's Code of Good Practice includes among the obligations of the members of the Academic Committees the supervision of the training activities of doctoral students within their Doctoral Programme, so that they are formulated with the aim of achieving the highest quality and facilitating their development, both from the training and research point of view. In addition, the training activities and research plan of doctoral students are evaluated objectively and periodically, as well as the development of the doctoral programme and the options for professional development.
Career development
Euraxess Spain has compiled information on European, national or regional calls for proposals from both the private and public sectors available for the recruitment of researchers in the following link.
Download the document "Researcher career path in Spain at a glance! (5th edition)". This is an updated diagram of the different stages of the research career in which you can find the different grants you can apply for. In addition, the document contains links to further information on each of the calls for applications.
Fifth edition: october 2020. Source: FECYT