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UC works in line with the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct by interlinking the general principles of recruitment, working conditions and career development.

The objective is to work developing an attractive, open and viable environment, with a commitment to improve employment stability, as well as to provide adequate salary and social security, enabling researchers to be recruited and retained in environments that guarantee high quality research activity.

Researchers' Welcome

On one hand, different UC services are working together to draft and implement a welcoming protocol that will define the procedure for the incorporation of researchers to our University, including the practical issues regarding the arrival of researchers, as well as intellectual property issues, work safety and institutional and management information.

The welcome procedures carried out at our University are described and explained in detail in the Guide for the Management of the Mobility of Foreign Research Staff in Spain, published by FECYT in 2017.

This guide is a summary of the main issues that foreign research staff must address when they decide to develop part of their career in Spain. It is useful for resolving doubts, both for the research staff themselves and for the host centres. The document covers topics such as: main characteristics of research and research careers in Spain, entry and residence conditions, recognition of foreign academic qualifications, labour market, tax and social security system, national health system, education and the EURAXESS Spain network, which provides support to researchers during periods of mobility.

For now, researchers can find relevant information about the University of Cantabria and its general services in this guide for international students.

Equality and no-discrimination
The Area of Equality and Social Responsibility is a service available to the community of the University of Cantabria with the aim of promoting measures that incorporate equality and social responsibility in a transversal way in all University of Cantabria policies, as well as to ensure their fulfilment.

The University of Cantabria is a pioneering Spanish educational institution in the field of gender equality. In 2007, the university defined a comprehensive work-life balance plan, which included a wide range of measures in relation to flexible working hours, family care and protection against violence.

In 2020, the 2nd Plan for Equality of Women and Men of the University of Cantabria was approved by the Governing Board of UC, updating a pioneering plan approved in 2009.

In 2022, the University of Cantabria has reformed its II Plan for Equality of Women and Men of the University of Cantabria, approved by the Governing Council in January 2020 to adapt it to the new regulations:

Adaptation of the 2nd UC Equality Plan for Women and Men to RD 901 and 902/2020 on equality plans and equal pay (2022-2025)
University Social Responsibility (USR)
The UC's Strategic Plan 2019-2023 assumes Social Responsibility as one of its lines of action and promotes the implementation of the 1st Master Plan for University Social Responsibility and its integration into all the institution's spheres of action.
The UC's Social Responsibility Master Plan (RSUC) is constituted as a tool to support the implementation and development of SR in the institution. The main purpose of this Plan is to serve as a firm commitment, orientation and guide to integrate Social Responsibility (SR) in all areas of activity of the University of Cantabria.
The monitoring and evaluation of the level of compliance with the commitments established in this RSUC Master Plan will be carried out through the institutional Social Responsibility Reports, published every two years.

1st Master Plan for Social Responsibility of the University of Cantabria 2020-2023
Research Staff Portal: Research Map
The Research Staff Portal of the University of Cantabria is a powerful IT and transparency tool that allows to consult updated information on all the researchers of the institution, as well as their environment and scientific production.

The initiative promotes the transparency of the activity of the University of Cantabria, responding to the objectives of the Strategic Plan 2019-2023 of digital transformation and research and collaboration with companies.

Only those researchers whose activity is included in the database are linked. Only the information relating to publications since 2014 and that relating to R&D&I projects since 2012 is shown.In the case of research groups, the activity is shown from the date of their creation. The information collected in the Portal is updated weekly.

Scientific dissemination
The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the University of Cantabria is a unit created in 2015 whose main objective is to promote the communication and dissemination of research developed at the university. Under the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Science Policy of the University of Cantabria, the UCC+i has the support and endorsement of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), which depends on the Ministry of Science and Innovation. In this way, the University of Cantabria has become an accredited member of the Network of Units of Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+i Network). This implies the recognition and support of both the FECYT and the UCC+i Network for the intense work of dissemination and communication of science carried out by the University of Cantabria.

Research personnel and functional diversity
SOUCAN develops different programmes and actions aimed at making equal opportunities in higher education effective, such as:

Work-life balance
The integral development of all the people who form part of the university community is a fundamental objective of our institution. To this end, for years the University of Cantabria has been promoting policies to reconcile work, academic and personal life so that student and professional tasks can be carried out in a balanced way with other facets of life.
Thus, the Concilia Plan, the Infant School and the regular organisation of Children's Campuses during holiday periods facilitate the exercise of maternity and paternity, contributing to the promotion of joint responsibility between women and men.

The Concilia Plan, launched in 2007 by the University of Cantabria and managed by the Management Unit, integrates the legal regulations and policies that regulate the working day and flexible working hours, measures to be applied in the event of the birth or adoption of children, to facilitate childcare and the care of dependent persons, to promote the exercise of lifelong learning, as well as to offer comprehensive protection against gender-based violence.
This plan develops the Cantabria Law 2/2019, of 7 March, for the effective equality between women and men as well as one of the lines of action of the Strategic Plan of the University of Cantabria 2019-2023, which establishes the implementation of conciliation measures to favour the professional and curricular promotion of all UC staff as well as the need to strengthen conciliation and co-responsibility policies.
The Concilia Plan is periodically reviewed and updated in the General Negotiating Committee of the University of Cantabria.

UPDATE: Plan Concilia (Agreement of the General Negotiating Committee of 23 May 2019)