The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) consists of
five phases:
1º Internal Analysis of the entity or GapAnalysis to evaluate how institutions act with regard to the 40 principles for the European Charter and Code for Researcher, and detect the gaps between the organisation's strategy and the principles of the Charter & Code.
2º Publication of the Action Plan or the analysis results, consisting of actions that the institution aims to develop, to comply with the implementation of the principles of the European Charter and Code for Researchers.
3º Excellence Award. The European Commission revises the Action Plan in order to award the organisation. Once approved, the organisation publishes the Action Plan and can use the logo HR.
4º Self-assessment. The organisation carries out self-assessment within the 24 months following the obtention of the HR Excellence in Research Award to assess compliance with the Action Plan and draft an updated plan.
5ºExternal Evaluation.Institutions must implement actions proposed in the revised Action Plan within 3 years of completing the Self-evaluation. The evaluation is done in two stages: an internal revision, carried out by the institution and evaluated by external experts, and an in-person visit to the institution by these experts. The concession of the
HR Excellence in Research award is renewed when the institution recieves positive feedback.