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The organizational Structure of the process included a Steering Committee to oversee the whole process and the appointment of a Coordinator of the operations. Concerning the Charter & Code (hereinafter, C&C), a Working Group was created, composed by researchers (from R1 to R4) and management staff, to perform an in deep analysis of the level of implementation of the C&C principles at UC and propose improvement measures.

Additionally, a Focus Group of the Vice-Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer with the cooperation of administrative staff, analyzing the Charter & Code principles and the OTM‐R principles in selection processes was established.

Main methodologies followed were: extensive participation of researchers of all levels during the whole process; online survey, meetings to perform in deep analysis, workshops held by the Working Group, and a Focus Group including the administrative staff.

Description of the process

The process consisted on the following main activities:

  • Endorsement of the UC to the C&C principles, and commitment to implement the HRS4R at the UC.
  • The Steering Committee was set up. It incorporated 7 Members from the Governing Board.
  • Appointment of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer- Javier Leon as process Coordinator for the performance of the whole process of GAP analysis and for the definition of the Action Plan.
  • A working strategy, led by the Coordinator, and assessed by a Focus Group composed by management staff from the European Projects Office (EPO) and the Director of the Research Area who are also members of the WG, was created.
  • An UC HRS4R website was created, (
  • All UC teaching and research members were informed about the endorsement of the principles of Charter and Code and the beginning of the HRS4R implementation strategy at UC through the monthly newsletter elaborated by the European Projects Office (EPO), seeking their commitment with the initiative.
  • The Working Group was set up, for obtaining a deeper knowledge about the implementation of the criteria and its perception and relevance. It incorporated 22 Members constituted by a multidisciplinary team composed by members involving the entire research community (R1-R4), leaders, management departments and administrative and service staff. The process Coordinator and the Focus Group appointed the members of the Working Group, ensuring the representation of researchers from all levels of the research career and the government and management units responsible related to the implementation of the C&C principles. Members of the Working Group were selected according to two main criteria: extensive experience in research activities, and expertise on at least one of the groups of C&C principles.
    They have a broader perspective of the UC functioning.
  • An initial Workshop with the Working Group to present the working strategy led by the Coordinator, the definition of the initial methodology and next steps was held April 1.
  • A virtual workspace for the Working Group was created where the Group member downloaded documents and uploaded their comments on them.
  • A General Online survey was design by the Working Group and performed, addressed to the research and teaching staff of the institution from all the research levels (R1-R4), concerning the implementation of the C&C at UC.
  • A strategic reflection meeting presenting the combined results of the activities (internal analysis made by the Focus Group, surveys and the Working Group contributions) to analyze the online survey and draft the GAP Analysis and OTM-R was held September 23.
  • A second strategic reflection meeting presenting the combined results of the activities (Survey results, GAP Analysis, OTM-R and Working Group contributions) to draft the Action Plan was held October 9.
  • The Working Group was aimed to perform the deep analysis on the level of implementation of the principles of the C&C at UC, to suggest proposals to improve such alignment and to pre‐validate the Gap Analysis, OTM-R and Action Plan. It based its analysis on the online survey, on extensive support documents provided and in the Working Group meetings. The Working Group performed the analysis by groups of principles (Ethical and Professional Aspects; Selection and Recruitment and OTM‐R; Working Conditions; Trainning and Development). All the Working Group members through the virtual workspace specially created to this aim analyzed each group of principles. The Gap Analysis was validated, and a preliminary proposal of actions was made.
  • A final Workshop to validate the GAP analysis and discuss initial proposals of the Action Plan with members of the Working Group was held November 6.
  • The final results of the Action Plan were presented to the Steering Committee for its approval (November).

The Gap Analysis and Action Plan were presented to the Governing Board of the UC on November 2019, for validation and approval.



The table summarizes the chronology of the 2018‐2019 milestones during the process of preparation for the application:

Date Action
January 2018Decision to implement the HRS4R at UC.
January-December 2018The HR Award is included as a strategic line in the UC Strategic Plan for the period 2019-2023.
End 2018- January 2019Presentation of the start of the process to the Governing Board.
January 2019UC Constitution of the Steering Committee.
January-February 2019Appointment of a Coordinator and creation of a Focus Group for the process of Gap Analysis and Action Plan.
February 2019Definition of the initial methodology.
February-March 2019Launching of a UC –HRS4R website at the UC website (
February-March 2019University community informed about the implementation process.
February-March 2019Collection of data about Staff profiles and selection of the profiles for Working Group.
End March 2019UC Constitution of the Working Group.
April 1st 2019Initial Workshop with the Working Group.
Early AprilLaunching of a UC –HRS4R virtual workspace for the Working Group tasks.
May-September 2019Preparation, development and closing of the online survey (284 answers received for the teaching and research staff)
September- October 2019In deep analysis by researchers: Focus Group and Working Group meetings, and contributions through the virtual workspace: in deep analysis of the implementation of the 40 principles at UC (2 face-to-face meetings and continuous work through virtual space).
November 6th 2019 Final Workshop to validate the GAP analysis, discuss, and approve the proposals of the Action Plan with members of the Working Group.
Mid November 2019Presentation of the Gap Analysis and Action Plan to the UC Governing Board and approval.


    UC‐HRS4R Steering Committee

Role: Its responsibility was to oversee the overall process of the Gap Analysis, Action Plan and implementation of the HRS4R at UC. The Steering Committee included the nomination of a Coordinator of the process at UC, in charge of the coordination of all the tasks to be performed, as described in this chapter. The Members of the Committee were:

  • Rector: Pazos Carro, Ángel
  • Vice-Chancellors:
    • Anabitarte Cano, Ernesto: Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff.
    • Ruiz Jimeno, Alberto: Vice Chancellor of Doctorate and Institutional Relations.
    • León Serrano, Javier: Vice Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer.
    • Susinos Rada, Teresa: Vice Chancellor of Internationalisation and Cooperation.
    • Arranz de Andrés, Consuelo: Vice Chancellor of Students and Entrepreneurship.
    • Pascual Saez, Marta: Vice Chancellor of Coordination of Strategic Actions.
    • Alonso Díaz, Enrique: UC Manager.


    UC- HRS4R Working Group

Role: The responsibility of the Working Group was to perform the deep analysis on the level of implementation of the principles of the Charter and Code at UC, to suggest proposals to improve such alignment and to pre‐validate the Gap Analysis and Action Plan. Their responsibility was also to provide the perspective of the R1, R2, R3 and R4 researchers about the implementation of the C&C criteria in the different thematic areas of the UC. Also, to contribute to the definition of concise actions for the action plan. The Members of the Working Group were:

  • Vice Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer and  Leading Researcher (R4) (Javier León Serrano, R4)
  • Vice Manager (Angel Javier Garcia Sahagún)
  • Head of European Projects Office (EPO) (Juan José San Miguel)
  • Head of Employment Guidance and Information Center (COIE) (Vicente Fernández Navarro)
  • Head of International Relations Office (Gemma Castro)
  • Head of Research Management Service (Ana Alonso)
  • Head of Teaching and Research Staff, Remuneration and Social Security Service (Ángel Carral)
  • Head of Administration and Services Staff, Training and Social Action Service (Nuria González Ruiz)
  • Head of Scientific-Technical Research Services (SCTI) and Leading Researcher (R4) (Sergio Cicero-R4)
  • Head of Equality Area and Leading Researcher (R4) (Monserrat Cabré-R4)
  • Head of Doctoral School and Leading Researcher (R4) (Mar Marcos-R4)
  • Deputy Head of European Projects Office (Rim Bouzgarrou Cotera)
  • Head of Department of Historical Sciences and Leading Researcher (R4) (Juana María Torres Prieto R4)
  • First Stage Researcher: Up to the point of PhD: Fernando Valenzuela
  • First Stage Researcher: Up to the point of PhD: Valentina Dipse
  • First Stage Researcher: Up to the point of PhD: Andrea García
  • Recognised Researcher. PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent: Carlos Thomas
  • Recognised Researcher. PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent: María Emilia Maza
  • Recognised Researcher. PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent: Magdalena Maria Foltman
  • Established Researcher: Researchers who have developed a level of independence: Javier Montoya
  • Established Researcher: Researchers who have developed a level of independence: Pablo Albella
  • Established Researcher: Researchers who have developed a level of independence: Carlota Ruiz de Velasco