Capacity for solving the mathematical problems that can arise in engineering. Ability to apply knowledge on linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, integral and differential calculus, differential equations and partial differential equations, numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimisation.
Understanding and command of the basic concepts concerning the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism, and their application in solving engineering problems.
Basic knowledge on computer use and programming, operating systems, data bases and computer programs applied in engineering.
Acquisition of the capacity to understand and apply the principles of basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications in engineering.
Development of the capacity for spatial vision and knowledge of graphical representation techniques both by the traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry and by computer aided design applications.
Acquisition of appropriate knowledge of the concept of business, the institutional and legal framework of business. Business organisation and management.
Acquisition of knowledge of applied thermodynamics and heat transfer. Basic principles and their application to solving engineering problems. Acquisition of knowledge of basic principles of fluid mechanics and their application to problem solving in the field of engineering. Calculation of piping, channels and fluid systems.
Acquisition of knowledge of the fundamentals of materials science, technology and chemistry. Understanding of the relationship between microstructure, synthesis or processing and the properties of the materials. Understanding and use of the principles of strength of materials.
Acquisition of knowledge and the capacity to use the principles of circuit theory and electrical machines. Knowledge of the fundamentals of electronics. Knowledge of the fundamentals of automation and process control methods. Knowledge of the principles of mechanism and machine theory.
Basic knowledge of systems of production and manufacture. Applied knowledge of business organisation.
Basic knowledge and application of environmental technologies and sustainability. Knowledge and capacity for project organisation and management. Knowledge of the organisational structure and functions of a project office.
Knowledge on matter and energy balances, biotechnology, transfer of matter, separation operations, chemical reaction engineering, reactor design, and valuing and transformation of primary materials and energy resources.
Capacity for the analysis, design, simulation and optimisation of processes and products.
Capacity for designing and managing applied experimental procedures, especially for determining thermodynamic and transport properties, and modelling phenomena and systems in the field of Chemical Engineering, systems with fluid flow, heat transfer, matter transfer operations, chemical reaction kinetics and reactors.
Capacity to design, manage and operate procedures for chemical process simulation, control and instrumentation.
Capacity to carry out an original exercise performed individually - and to present and defend it before a university panel - consisting of a project of a professional nature in the area of the specific technology (Industrial Chemistry) of Chemical Engineering synthesising and integrating the competences acquired in the teaching programme.