(Organising-planning) Capacity for organising and planning. This consists in acquiring skills in observing, evaluating and making proposals to establish guidelines for organising and planning future action according to previously established criteria.
(Problem-solving) Capacity for analysis, syntheis and problem-solving - understood as the identification, analysis and definition of the significant elements constituting a problem or aspect to be improved so as to solve it with judgement and in an effective manner.
(Communicating) Oral and written communication in English. This involves the ability of students to transmit whatever they wish effectively in English. They should be able to elaborate and write reports in English and acquire the qualities to achieve appropriate oral expression and presentation.
(Using software). Capacity to use computer tools. Students should acquire skills in the handling of software needed as a means to carrying out and completing the tasks required in each subject and in everyday working life.
(Negotiating) Management of conflicts and negotiation. Ability consisting in foreseeing, managing and solving conflicts that can arise in the world of work, and in using the appropriate techniques to mediate and influence decisions to be taken in dealing with persons and groups.
(Cooperating) Capacity for teamwork. Students should know how to integrate and collaborate actively with other persons in the pursuit of common goals far beyond individual achievements, thinking globally of the good of the organisation to which they belong.
(Motivating excellence) Motivation for quality. Capacity of students to perform work and the tasks involved with their thoughts oriented towards doing things with the maximum quality by minimising errors, with the conviction of the great advantages this will bring for organisations.
(Internationalising) Working in an international context. This competence involves understanding and adapting to the social and business culture of different countries, which is of great interest to any internationally-minded company or organisation
(Deciding ethically) Ethical commitment at work. Competence alluding to seeking one's own moral good and/or that of the community.