(Interpreting) Capacity to interpret the role of agents and institutions involved in economic and social activity. Students should be able to understand the importance of agents and institutions through their participation in diverse social and economic sectors from both a national and an international perspective.
(Using economic software). Capacity for economic data treatment. Students should be capable of obtaining, managing and summarising relevant economic data and information in order to understand the surrounding environment.
(Negotiating) Management of conflicts and negotiation. Ability consisting in foreseeing, managing and solving conflicts that can arise in the world of work, and in using the appropriate techniques to mediate and influence decisions to be taken in dealing with persons and groups.
(Assigning resources) Capacity to efficiently assign resources, generate wealth and distribute income. Students should establish economic strategies allowing efficient assignment of resources, generation of wealth and an appropriate distribution of income.
(Formulating economic models) Capacity to formulate economic models allowing interpretation of the operation of a market economy. Students should be capable of formulating theoretical models in order to determine the level of production, level of employment, general level of prices, and equilibrium prices in different market structures.
(Interpreting public sector intervention) Capacity to interpret the different forms of public intervention in a market economy. Students will be able to determine the different formulas of public intervention, and the different functions of a modern public sector in the setting of the Welfare State.
(Understanding the process of economic internationalisation) Capacity to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge on the process of internationalisation of the economy. Students should be capable of understanding the process of international economic development, international commerce and the international financial system.
(Diagnosing the economic situation) Capacity to diagnose and assess the Spanish and European economic situation. Students will also be able to assess the evolution of the different sectors of production.
(Interpreting regional development) Capacity to interpret the process of regional economic development, and also to determine the influence on this process of territorial decentralisation, investment in basic infrastructures and the economics of natural resources.