To develop an ethical commitment and promote Human Rights, the principles of justice, gender equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, as well as the values of a civic culture which is concerned about the deepening of democracy, solidarity, social inclusion, interculturalism, a practical way to solve conflicts, cooperation and a global sustainable development, both in the public space as well as in a future professional field.
Enrich their ability of oral and written communication in the Spanish language.
Perfect their digital competence and in general their abilities to look for obtain, select, treat, analyze and communicate different information, in order to transform it into knowledge and offer it for the consideration of others.
Cultivate their ability of autonomous learning, as well as interpersonal competences related to teamwork, group collaboration in socially and culturally different groups, critical and self-critical ability, and emotional self-regulation.
Identification of sources and resources of information relevant to the selected topic.
Access to information and data of interest by carrying out appropriate search strategies.
Selection and comprehension of relevant literature
Elaboration of conclusions
Organization and presentation of the results of the project in accordance with the structure of a scientific project
Exhibition and public presentation of work through effective communication.