Ability to manage information, abstraction, analysis, synthesis and solve problems by developing original approaches in the performance of academic and professional tasks and projects, and transforming theoretical results into products and services of interest to society.
Ability to communicate, in a clear, convincing and rigorous way, orally or in writing, both to a specialized and general audience, defending their positions with solid arguments.
Capacity for autonomous learning, perfecting the ability to organize and plan activities within the available time and means, and the ability for active interaction and collaboration in a socially and culturally diverse or multilingual environment and to effectively carry out cooperative work in interdisciplinary and/or transnational teams.
Efficient use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to search for, obtain, select, process and analyze various sources of information, as well as to transform them into knowledge, create content and offer it for the consideration of others.
Motivation for quality and excellence and ethical and social commitment in the application of the knowledge acquired, contributing to the knowledge and development of Human Rights, democratic principles, the principles of equality between women and men, solidarity, environmental protection, universal accessibility and design for all and the promotion of the culture of peace.