Application of current methods and problems in the different branches of second language teaching and applied linguistic research.
Capacity to distinguish linguistic approaches applied to the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language.
Relating procedures of everyday interaction in the Spanish culture, after identifying its general features, to the different functions performed by language.
Relating language functions to grammatical, lexical and phonetic contents.
Making the grammatical structure of Spanish understandable through appropriate procedures.
Detailed knowledge of the different approaches in the teaching-learning of Spanish as a second language and the implications for classroom practice.
Communicating in a comprehensible way for students both orally and in writing, by making use of the appropriate metalanguage and terminology for the Spanish teaching profession.
Use of the appropriate methodology for developing the different language skills: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension, oral and written interaction.
Programming of teaching units for Spanish as a Foreign Language integrating the different language skills.
Reading research texts on teaching of second languages and summarising and classification of information in a relevant way.
Carrying out curricular development in courses of Spanish as a foreign language both for general Spanish and for Spanish for specific purposes.
Identification and appropriate use of sources of information for linguistic research.
Management of new technologies, computer resources and Internet aimed at elaborating new materials for the teaching of Spanish and for methodology in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
Selecting, analysing and using texts and materials close to the direct experience of pupils, and appropriate SFL teaching materials for the level and type of students, their lacks and their linguistic needs.
Organising complex linguistic information coherently.
Present and defend the results of research according to the critical canons of the discipline.
Application of the acquired knowledge and use of the capacity to solve problems related to the teaching of Spanish.
Communicating their conclusions to students clearly and without ambiguity.
Awareness of the different perspectives on second language acquisition, of the topics of debate and of the challenges for research and application arising in this field.