Capacity and understanding for problem-solving in all the basic subjects in the field of engineering.
Capacity for solving the mathematical problems that can arise in engineering.
Capacity and understanding for solving mathematical problems on linear algebra
Capacity and understanding for solving mathematical problems on geometry.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on integral and differential equations.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on differential and partial differential equations.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on numerical method and algorithms.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on statistics and optimisation
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of Physics.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on the general laws of Physics.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on mechanics.
Capacity and understanding for solving on thermodynamics.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on fields and waves and electromagnetism.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of Chemistry.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on basic knowledge of general chemistry.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on basic knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications to engineering.
Capacity for and understanding of English.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of graphical expression.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of representation techniques.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of spatial conception.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of normalisation.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of computer aided design.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of fundamentals of industrial design.
Capacity and understanding for solving business problems.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of fundamentals of business economics.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of the legal and institutional framework of business.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of the organisation of maritime business.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of management of maritime companies.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of commercialisation of maritime companies.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems of the financing of maritime companies.
Capacity and understanding for solving computer science problems.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on computers and networks.
Capacity and understanding for solving operating system problems.
Capacity and understanding for solving problems on the application and use of data bases and computer applications.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of nautical and marine principles.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: electricity.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: circuit theory.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of marine electric machines.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: electronics applied to ships and maritime installations.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: automation and control methods applied to ships and maritime installations.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: safety and pollution.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: environmental and sustainability en the marine medium.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: ship safety and protection.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: fire prevention and survival.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: prevention of and fighting against pollution.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: maritime health and quality.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: quality and safety management systems applied to ships.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: auditing of ship management.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: maritime health training.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: naval construction and ship theory.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: ship theory.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: naval construction.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: auxiliary systems.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: main systems, auxiliary systems and ship propellers.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: cold and conditioning.
Knowledge, use and application to ships of the principles of: maritime legislation and regulations.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: thermodynamics.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: fluid mechanics.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: the fundamentals of materials science and its application to the behaviour of real solids in marine structures, installations and equipment.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: mechanical technology.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: the operation, maintenance, redesign and repair of all the systems existing on board a ship.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: the typology of breakdowns.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: mounting and metrotechnics.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: mechanism and machinery theory.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: strength of materials.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: the organisation
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: redesign, modification and management of energy optimisation systems applied to marine installations.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: energy auditing management.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: the fundamentals of fluid mechanical machines and systems.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: internal combustion engines.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: steam turbines.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: gas turbines.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: steam generators
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: heat transfer.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: regulation and control of machines and marine systems.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: electric propulsion systems.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: power electronics.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: marine propellers: calculation, selection, mounting and maintenance.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: inspection and classification societies.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: special transport and dangerous goods.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: cooling and air-conditioning.
Knowledge and capacity for applying and calculating: technical English.
Knowledge and capacity for application in activities as a trainee student in the engine department, in accordance with the requirements of section A-III/1 of the STCW Code.
Knowledge and capacity to develop an integrated project in the field of Marine Engineering synthesising the competences acquired in the degree course.
Knowledge and ability to apply them in practical activities in companies in the maritime sector.