JOSE ANTONIO JUANES DE LA PEÑA - Catedrático de Universidad
Curriculum Vitae, con datos verificables mediante certificados
No se exigen requisitos
Te: Teoría, Pr: Práctica, Seg: Seguimiento, Ta: Trabajo autónomo, S: Modalidad síncrona, A: Modalidad asíncrona
To know the main characteristics of coastal ecosystems and the techniques applicable to analyse their distribution and evaluation.
To understand the components of the DPSIR framework as a basic management tool for the conceptualization and assessment of the most relevant problems existing in coastal systems.
To learn about the concept of SbN through real-world marine and coastal examples, explore the intersection between SbN and more traditional conservation concepts and practices, as well as the scientific, socio-economic and political factors that facilitate the adoption of SbN.
To differentiate the concepts and possible measures applicable to the management of the effects of human activity on marine systems, based on the principles of Marine Spatial Planning.
1.1. Introduction to marine ecosystems
1.2. Marine ecosystems characterization
1.3. Functions, services and benefits of marine ecosystems
1.4. Direct approaches to characterize the distribution of ecosystems
1.5. Indirect approaches to characterize the distribution of ecosystems
2.1. Introduction to the DPSIR framework
2.2. Driving forces
2.3. Pressures
2.4. Changes of status
2.5. Impacts on the well-being of society
2.6. Response with measures
3.1. Introduction to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems and resources
3.2. From species to ecosystem conservation
3.3. Habitat restoration and its value in Nature-based Solutions
3.4. The greening of man-made structures to support nature in the urban ocean
3.5. Incentivising, financing and governing Nature-based Solutions
4.1. Legal framework: from the Romans to the present day
4.2. Conceptual framework
4.3. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
4.4. Marine spatial planning processes
4.5. Marine spatial planning in practice
5. Final Programme Work (TFP)
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