Lorena Agudo Ibáñez obtained her degree in Biology from the University of Oviedo in Spain in 2003. During this period, she collaborated as undergraduate research fellow at immunology department.
Afterwards, she joined Dr Piero Crespo's group at University of Cantabria in Spain where she was awarded a FPU fellowship to develop her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2010). During that years Lorena focused on studying H-Ras sublocalizations signals in different tumoral models.
Her postdoctoral studies are related with spatial regulation of Ras-ERK signals in cancer.
Spatial Regulation of Ras-ERK Signals in Cancer
Research lines
Spatial regulation of Ras-ERK signals in physiological processes and in cancer
Development of antitumoral drugs targeting protein-protein interactions in the Ras-ERK pathway
“Nuevas dianas moleculares en la ruta Ras-ERK: potencial terapéutico en el cáncer de tiroides”. Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). GCB141423113. Proyecto coordinado 2014-2019.
Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa sobre el Cáncer (RTICC). RD/12/0036/0033. 2012-2015.
“Proteínas Scaffold como moduladores de la resistencia a inhibidores de la ruta RAS-ERK en melanoma”. SAF-2015 63638R. 2016-2018.
Grupo incluido en: Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre el Cáncer (CIBERONC). (CB16/12/00436). 2017-2023.
“ERK spatial distribution and dimerization: implications in carcinogenesis”. RTI2018-096658B. 2019-2021.
“Repurposing MAPK inhibitors for the treatment of COVID-19”. Proyecto intramural CSIC. CSIC-COV19-095. 2020.
Grupo incluido en la Plataforma PTI SALUD GLOBAL-CSIC: SG2103031_2107300020.
“Reutilización de inhibidores de MAPK para el tratamiento de COVID-19”. G.CANTABRIA: 2020UIC22-PUB0008.
“Proteínas HOX como mediadores de la ruta RAS-ERK”. PID2021-126288OB-I00. 2022-2025. 294.000€. Investigador Principal.
“Desarrollo de un marcador de la respuesta terapéutica del melanoma BRAF positivo”. Proyectos de Prueba de Concepto PDC2022-133569-I00. 2023-2025.