Nahuel Ismael Lofeudo Álvarez

  • IBBTEC. c/ Albert Einstein, 22. 39011 Santander
  • 942 206 799 - Ext. 25918
  • Protein Design and Engineering
  • Structural Biology
  • Department of Microbiology & Genomics

BSc in Biology at the University of Oviedo (2015-2019). Before finishing my degree I did an Erasmus mobility at the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), where I took several subjects of the MSc Molecular Biotechnology. Then, I decided to continue my studies in the same field by doing the MSc Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Genetics at the University of A Coruña. Which I ended in October 2020.

At the moment I work as a Researcher for the Protein Design and Engineering Group.

​Protein Design and Engineering

Research Lines

    • Structure, function and modification of polyunsaturated fatty acid synthases.
    • Optimization of the microbial production of added value fatty acids and triglycerides.
    • Optimization of proteins involved in bacterial conjugation for biotechnological applications. 

Services offered 

    • Design and optimization of proteins with biotechnological, biomedical or industrial interest. 
    • Structural analysis of proteins by X-ray crystallography and in silico molecular threading.


    • Plasmid Offensive: Protein engineering operations (BFU2014-55534-C2-2-P)
    • Probióticos guardianes para la lucha contra la resistencia a antibióticos mediante sistemas CRISPR conjugativos (BFU2014-62007-EXP)
    • Optimización de la purificación de la catalasa obtenida de hígado de vaca (TF16-XX-007 –Laboratorios Arroyo S.L.- SODERCAN/FEDER)
    • Desarrollo de tecnología amti para el cultivo de algas en plantas de acuicultura convencionales. La biotecnología como instrumento para una acuicultura rentable y circular (Investalga S.L.).

Gabriel Moncalián Montes (IP)

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