The Summer courses at the University of Cantabria are a classic tool for interaction with society and for the transmission of knowledge and scientific innovation. With these courses, the University of Cantabria is present in numerous key and representative centers of the region, reaching many thousands of people who have been able to benefit from the academic and scientific dissemination. Each course lasts one week, with a biennial periodicity.
The IBBTEC participates in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology, focusing in the research lines of the Institute. The course taught in 2016 was called "New frontiers in Biomedicine and biotechnology", and brought together 12 students.
Program Information
The Senior Program was initiated in 2009, with the aim of sharing the university accumulated knowledge with the entire adult population. People who have fulfilled 50 years can be registered, no matter their previous level of academic training.
The IBBTEC participates in the teaching of the courses that compose this program, related to its activity.
The Real Summer Program "Abroad Experience" is focused on three scientific areas: engineering, biotechnology and physics, with an optional program of Spanish language and culture, with classes taught in English and optional in Spanish. The programs are structured in one month of theoretical classes and one month of practice in a laboratory of one of the UC's research institutes.
Students who have done the internship at the institute's labs mainly come from Harvard University (about 3-4 students), although the program is open to students from other American universities. Practically all the researchers of the IBBTEC have been implicated in the program.
Program Information