Cdc42EP3/BORG2 and septin network enables mechano-transduction and the emergence of cancer-associated fibroblastsCdc42EP3/BORG2 and septin network enables mechano-transduction and the emergence of cancer-associated fibroblastsCalvo F*, Ranftl R, Hooper S, Farrugia AJ, Moeendarbary E, Bruckbauer A, Batista F, Charras G and Sahai E* 2016-09-25T22:00:00Z<p>​</p><div style="text-align:justify;"></div><div class="sectionInfo abstractSectionHeading" style="box-sizing:border-box;color:#333333;text-align:justify;"><h2 class="section-heading-2" style="box-sizing:border-box;margin:0px 0px 32px;font-weight:700;color:#333333;text-rendering:optimizelegibility;line-height:0;"><span class="ms-rteThemeFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-2">Abtract<br></span></h2></div><div class="abstractSection abstractInFull" style="box-sizing:border-box;color:#333333;font-family:"open sans", sans-serif;font-size:17.600000381469727px;text-align:justify;"><p style="box-sizing:border-box;margin-top:1em;margin-bottom:1em;"><span class="ms-rteThemeFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-2">Rho family GTPases such as Cdc42 are key regulators of essential cellular processes through their effects on cytoskeletal dynamics, signaling and gene expression. Rho GTPases modulate these functions by engaging a wide variety of downstream effectors. Among these effectors is the largely understudied Cdc42EP/BORG family of Cdc42 effectors. BORG proteins have been linked to actin and septin regulation, but their role in development and disease is only starting to emerge. Recently, Cdc42EP3/BORG2 was shown to coordinate actin and septin cytoskeleton rearrangements in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Interestingly, Cdc42EP3 expression potentiated cellular responses to mechanical stimulation leading to signaling and transcriptional adaptations required for the emergence of a fully activated CAF phenotype. These findings uncover a novel role for the BORG/septin network in cancer. Here, we demonstrate that Cdc42EP3 function in CAFs relies on tight regulation by Cdc42.</span><br></p></div><p><a href="">​Cell Reports13(12):2699-714. </a><br></p>186