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First contact with an insulin pump. Clinical case

Abstract: Insulin pumps are devices that inject insulin continuously into the body in a similar way to the pancreatic secretion, and with endless possibilities to adjust schedules, meals and physical activities, giving diabetics the chance to lead a life with many less restraints due to their illness. Besides giving them this freedom, the therapy allows more precise control of blood glucose, significantly improving the overall self-control and thus the quality of life of the diabetics, reducing the appearance of long-term complications. Although all diabetics receive many guidelines and recommendations for optimal control throughout their illness patients included in this protocol must be especially aware and involved in self-control, since the treatment demands more involvement both when learning to use the device as well as making decisions once they are using it. We present the case of a type 1 diabetic patient, twenty-one years of onset, who while admitted to hospital for a day, had a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump implanted (insulin pump). To this end, we developed a patient care plan of patient following the steps of scientific method and relying on the NANDA taxonomy and on the NOC and NIC to design goals and nursing interventions, respectively.

 Authorship: Gutiérrez-Torre E., Alconero-Camarero A., Torres-Manrique B., Rodríguez-Martín E.,

 Fuente: Enfermeria Clínica, 2011, 21(2), 110-4

 Publisher: Doyma

 Year of publication: 2011

 No. of pages: 5

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2010.11.006

 ISSN: 1130-8621,1579-2013

 Publication Url:
