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Comparison of mathematics problem-solving abilities in autistic and non-autistic children: the influence of cognitive profile

Abstract: This study examines relationships between mathematical problem-solving performance (in terms of strategies used and accuracy) and the main cognitive domains associated with mathematical learning (i.e. executive functions, verbal comprehension and social perception) of children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD and non-ASD resp.). The study involved 26 ASD and 26 non-ASD children without intellectual disabilities, between 6 and 12 years old, matched by sex, age and school (grade and classroom). The results show a higher percentage of ASD children with problem solving difficulties than non-ASD (57% vs. 23% resp.). Poor performing ASD children showed comparatively lower scores in inhibition, theory of mind and verbal comprehension. Implications for the design of mathematical interventions for ASD students are discussed.

 Fuente: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2024, 54(1), 353 - 365

 Publisher: Springer Nature

 Publication date: 01/01/2024

 No. of pages: 13

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1007/s10803-022-05802-w

 ISSN: 0162-3257,1573-3432

 Spanish project: PID2019-105677RB-I00

 Publication Url:
