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Modeling Airport Choice Using a Latent Class Logit Model

Abstract: Studying the location of an airport is essential for optimizing its functionality, ensuring safety, and maximizing its economic benefits. There are many airports located within a short distance of each other, and users can often choose to travel between one or the other depending on a number of variables that they value for their final choice. In this paper, we design a stated preference survey and estimate a latent class logit model to study user behavior in the choice of nearby airports. The idea is to study if the choice of airport can indeed depend on the characteristics of the users and the purpose of their trip and if factors such as traveling with family, children, or friends can play a role in determining the preferred airport. It is also investigated whether the presence of low-cost airlines or direct connections to the final destinations of the trip (number of transfers) and other factors influence the choice of airport. It is shown that there are two classes of users who have different travel behavior, and that the perception of certain variables influences the choice of the nearest or furthest airport depending on the type of trip

 Authorship: dell’Olio L., Rodríguez A., Sipone S.,

 Fuente: Aerospace, 2023, 10, 703

 Publisher: MDPI

 Year of publication: 2023

 No. of pages: 14

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.3390/aerospace10080703

 ISSN: 2226-4310