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Dataset on the behavior of local and foreign users in their willingness to pay for bike sharing in medium-sized cities

Abstract: The data provide information from a face-to-face survey of 370 potential dock-based e-bike-sharing users in Santander, Spain. The survey was designed to collect information about the current and future use of the city?s bike-sharing service, including frequency of use, trip purpose, and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for a future e-bike-sharing service. The question- naire is structured in two sections. The first section relates to the characterisation through socio-economic data and infor- mation on bike-sharing services. The characterisation ques- tions were intended to clearly distinguish between potential recurrent users (locals) and occasional users (visitors). The second section corresponds to a stated preference (SP) exer- cise that reveals the WTP for using e-bike-sharing consideriing different payment structures: fee per use, annualised reg- istration, and a combination of the above. The data provide a valuable reference for municipal managers, private bike- sharing service providers, and the scientific community about users' preferences and intentions to use bike-sharing and e-bike-sharing according to sociodemographic characteristic sand pricing scenarios. In addition, the questionnaire can be used as a reference in related research.

 Authorship: Rodriguez A., dell'Olio L., Sipone S., Delgado-Lindeman M.,

 Fuente: Data in Brief, 2024, 56, 110865

 Publisher: Elsevier BV

 Publication date: 01/10/2024

 No. of pages: 9

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110865

 ISSN: 2352-3409