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Convergence analysis of the semismooth newton method for sparse control problems governed by semilinear elliptic equations

Abstract: We show that a second order sufficient condition for local optimality, along with a strict complementarity condition, is enough to get the superlinear convergence of the semismooth Newton method for an optimal control problem governed by a semilinear elliptic equation. The objective functional may include a sparsity promoting term and we allow for box control constraints.

 Authorship: Casas E., Mateos M.,

 Fuente: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2024, 62(6), 3076-3090

 Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

 Year of publication: 2024

 No. of pages: 15

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1137/23M1585945

 ISSN: 0363-0129,1095-7138

 Spanish project: PID2020-114837GB-I00
