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Perception of civil society on the curricular integration of media competence: challenges and opportunities in Latin America

Abstract: Media Competence (MC) enables citizens to efficiently utilize information and communication technologies, for both consuming and producing content, in order to participate in digital society in a responsible and reflective manner. Its integration in the curriculum requires inter-sectorial collaboration, which includes not only education authorities, but also key actors such as Civil Society Organizations (CSO). The present study examines the perception of CSO with regard to the integration of MC in the curriculum of basic education in Latin American countries. For this, a survey was designed that was stored in a digital platform. It was completed by 63 CSO from fourteen different countries. The main findings indicate that: a) the CSO recognize the importance of teaching MC and the associated challenges, such as the digital divide, the lack of political will, and the lack of understanding of the concept by the population in general; and b) they contribute through the creation of education resources and the teaching of classes for teachers and other vulnerable groups; however, it is crucial to strengthen the network of collaboration with other groups of interest, prioritize MC in their agendas, and ensure that CSO receive training in this area.

 Fuente: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2025

 Publisher: Springer Nature

 Publication date: 03/01/2025

 No. of pages: 12

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1007/s11266-024-00710-2

 ISSN: 0957-8765,1573-7888

 Spanish project: PID2023-146288NB-I00

 Publication Url:
