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Policy insights for wind energy from a choice experiment stated preference efficient design in Apulia region (Italy)

Abstract: The present work argues that wind energy is either a positive or negative determinant against the risks associated with its use, and aims at: evaluating the incidence of energy risks on the perception of wind energy; analysing the trade-ofs between a wind farm installation, land conservation and energy risks; suggesting adequate policy indications for the efciency of future energy markets. The study compares the results from logit models, which estimate the distribution of the utility coefcients with a Choice Experiment approach using a stated preference efcient design and honesty priming techniques to overcome the hypothetical bias. Main fndings indicate a positive attitude for the proposed wind energy scenarios in terms of Aesthetical impact, CO2 and Bill savings, and Costs, as well as more densely distributed wind farms producing more energy. Installation and maintenance costs and the rate of avian collisions are considered acceptable. From the main fndings, useful policy insights assess the efciency of wind farms projects to reduce costs and energy prices. Simplifcation of bureaucracy, direct economic benefts for local communities, citizens' participation, and dissemination of information are key practices for future developments of wind energy markets

 Authorship: Caporale D., De Lucia C., dell’Olio L., Pazienza P.,

 Fuente: Economia Politica, 2024, 41, 963-995

 Publisher: Springer

 Publication date: 04/04/2024

 No. of pages: 33

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1007/s40888-024-00325-2

 ISSN: 1120-2890,1973-820X

 Publication Url:
