Authorship: Agca R., Heslinga S.C., Rollefstad S., Heslinga M., McInnes I.B., Peters M.J.L., Kvien T.K., Dougados M., Radner H., Atzeni F., Primdahl J., Södergren A., Wallberg Jonsson S., Van Rompay J., Zabalan C., Pedersen T.R., Jacobsson L., De Vlam K., Gonzalez-Gay M.A., Semb A.G., Kitas G.D., Smulders Y.M., Szekanecz Z., Sattar N., Symmons D.P.M., Nurmohamed M.T.,
Fuente: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2017, 76, 17-28
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
Year of publication: 2017
No. of pages: 13
Publication type: Article
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-209775
ISSN: 0003-4967,1468-2060