1- PhD at the University of Extremadura (2001) awarded with the EXTRAORDINARY PhD PRIZE.
2- POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden (2002-2004). AWARDED with "Alexander von Humbolt" and "EMBO Long Term" FELLOWSHIPS.
3- RAMÓN Y CAJAL RESEARCHER (2005-2009) at the University of Cantabria.
4- I3-RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (PCD, 2009-2011) at the University of Cantabria supported by the "I3 Research Career Program" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
5- LECTURER OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY at the University of Cantabria (PTU, 2011-2019).
6- FULL PROFESSOR OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY at the University of Cantabria (CU, November 2019-Present).
KEY WORDS: Developmental Biology; Programmed Cell Death; Senescence; Skeletogenesis; Mesenchymal Progenitors; Cartilage; Chondrogenesis; Vertebrate Morphogenesis.