I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Cantabria and my research spans several fields within mathematics:
Numerical Analysis: I focus on the development and application of numerical methods to solve complex mathematical problems. I am both interested in the theory and in the application to solving real-world problems that can be modeled mathematically.
Distributions of Points in Varieties: I explore the arrangement and properties of points within different mathematical structures. This research has significant implications in geometry and other areas of mathematics, influencing our understanding of spatial arrangements and relationships with other areas.
I am/have been the IP of several Research Grants awarded by the AEI/Spanish Ministry of Science and by the Banco Santander.
I have been recognized for my work in these areas, receiving the José Luis Rubio de Francia prize, the Stephen Smale prize and the Best Paper Award from Journal of Complexity (2016). Most of my works have been done in collaboration with my students and colleagues so these cannot be regarded as individual merits!
In addition to my research, I am active in teaching and academic supervision. I have advised several doctoral students and participate in teaching courses related to my areas of expertise. My academic profile is detailed on my website https://personales.unican.es/beltranc/