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Angle transducer based on Fiber Bragg gratings able for tunnel auscultation

Abstract: In this paper an angle transducer based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is presented. Two gratings are glued to a metallic platen, one in each side. It is insensitive to temperature changes, given that the temperature shifts affect equally to both FBG. When the platen is uniformly bent an uniform strain appears in both sides of the platen. It depends on the bend angle and the platen length and thickness. The transducer has been designed to be used in the auscultation of tunnels during their construction process and during their live time. The transducer design and its characterization are presented.

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 Autoría: Quintela A., Lázaro J., Quintela M., Mirapeix J., Muñoz-Berti V., López-Higuera J.,

 Congreso: European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, EWOFS (4º : 2010 : Oporto)

 Editorial: SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

 Fecha de publicación: 09/08/2010

 Nº de páginas: 4

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.1117/12.866268

 ISSN: 0277-786X,1996-756X

 Proyecto español: TEC2007-67987-C02-01

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.866268