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Developing of waste flows indicators sets for regional planning

Abstract: Waste information is necessary for proper management planning. However, data on waste generation and management are sometimes not reliable enough, do not exist of are not useful. In the Spanish region of Cantabria, all waste streams generated are covered throough foru specific Waste Plans which are the framework to the decision-making processes related to waste management. These Plans were developed from a series of baseline data on waste streams. But it has been necessary to establish a system of environmental information which allows obtaining reliable information for monitoring. The Environmental Information System of Cantabria Region has been created using a specific methodology for developing indicator sets with multiple objectives, establishing a data record, evaluating the data and sources of data, monitoring proposed action and its effectiveness, and summarize large amount of data on waste in order to spread it to the pubic. Furthemore, from the information provided by these set of indicators in recent years, the baseline data necessary for proposing a new Regional regulatory framework for the period 2015-2020 is obtained.

 Congreso: International Conference: Wastes : Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (3º : 2015 : Viana do Castelo)

 Editorial: CVR : Cnetro para a valorizaçao de Residuos

 Año de publicación: 2015

 Nº de páginas: 3

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 ISSN: 2183-0568