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Uncertainties assessment in real-time hybrid model for ocean basin testing of a floating offshore wind turbine

Abstract: This work analyses the accuracy of large-scale experimental testing procedure in ocean basin facility involving real-time hybrid model testing (ReaTHM) techniques. The analysis is based on a scaled concept for a 15MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) supported by a concrete semi-submersible platform (ActiveFloat) developed within the framework of the project COREWIND. The real-time hybrid model considered includes a multi-fan system located at the aero-rotor interface, which permits to generate the aerodynamic loads, reducing the limitations typically given by scaled problems. In order to assess the uncertainties in the hardware in the loop (HIL) implementation, firstly we define the quantities of interest to be evaluated from all the possible sources liable to inaccuracy identified. Then, we quantify the systematic and random discrepancies of the selected mooring, platform and HIL parameters. Finally, we propagate the previously quantified errors, running simulations in OpenFAST under extremal and severe environmental load cases in Gran Canaria Island (Spain) site. Comparing the platform response and mooring tensions of these uncertainty propagations with the ones of the unperturbed simulation as a baseline case, we analyse the effect of each representative parameter. Thus, the reliability of the results in ocean basin testing is numerically assessed, depending on the design load case.

Other conference communications or articles related to authors from the University of Cantabria

 Congress: Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference (18th ; 2021 ; Trondheim, Norway)

 Publisher: Institute of Physics

 Year of publication: 2021

 No. of pages: 12

 Publication type: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2018/1/012036

 ISSN: 1742-6588,1742-6596

 Spanish project: RYC-2017-23260

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