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Does Adjusted Global Antiphospholipid Syndrome Score (aGAPSS) predict the obstetric outcome in antiphospholipid antibody carriers? A single center study

Abstract: The adjusted Global Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) Score (aGAPSS) is a tool proposed to quantify the risk for antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-related clinical manifestations. However, aGAPSS has been validated mainly for thrombotic events and studies on APS-related obstetric manifestations are scarce. Furthermore, the majority of them included patients with positive aPL and diferent autoimmune diseases. Here, we assess the utility of aGAPSS to predict the response to treatment in aPL carriers without other autoimmune disorders. One-hundred and thirty-seven women with aPL ever pregnant were included. Sixty-fve meet the APS classifcation criteria, 61 had APS-related obstetric manifestations, and 11 were asymp tomatic carriers. The patients? aGAPSS risk was grouped as low (<6, N=73), medium (6?11, N=40), and high risk (?12, N=24). Since vascular risk factors included in the aGAPSS were infrequent in this population (<10%), the aGAPSS score was mainly determined by the aPL profle. Overall, the live birth rate was 75%, and 37.2% of the patients had at least one adverse pregnancy outcome (APO). When considering patients according to the aGAPSS (high, medium, and low risk), no signifcant diferences were found for pregnancy loss (29.2%, 25%, and 21.9%) or APO (33.3%, 47.5%, and 32.9%). In the present study, including aPL carriers without other autoimmune diseases, aGAPSS is not a valuable tool to identify patients at risk for obstetric complications despite treatment. In these patients with gestational desire, in addition to the aPL profle, other pregnancy-specifc factors, such as age or previous obstetric history, should be considered

 Fuente: Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2022, 63(2), 297-310

 Editorial: Humana Press Inc.

 Año de publicación: 2022

 Nº de páginas: 14

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1007/s12016-021-08915-9

 ISSN: 1080-0549,1559-0267

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12016-021-08915-9
