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A Modified Mean Stress Criterion for Considering Size Effects on Mode I Fracture Estimation of Rounded-Tip V-Notched Polymeric Specimens

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to assess the size and geometry effects on the mode I notch fracture toughness of polymeric samples containing rounded-tip V-shaped (RV) notches (V-notch with a finite radius at the notch tip). First, using a large number of fracture tests on an RV-notched Brazilian disk and semi-circular bending polymeric samples with four different sizes, the size-dependent values of the notch fracture toughness are obtained. Then, the mean stress criterion is modified for characterizing the size-dependency of notch fracture toughness in polymeric samples. The resulting modified mean stress criterion considers higher order terms of the stress field when calculating the fracture process zone length around the tip of the defect. Additionally, the critical distance rcis assumed to be associated with the specimen size and a formula containing fitting parameters is utilized for considering this trend of rc. The comparison between the values of notch fracture toughness obtained from experiments and those predicted by the modified mean stress criterion shows that the suggested approach can provide accurate estimations of size-dependent values of notch fracture toughness in polymeric specimens containing RV notches.

 Authorship: Torabi A.R., Jabbari M., Akbardoost J., Cicero S.,

 Fuente: Polymers, 2022, 14, 1491

 Publisher: MDPI

 Publication date: 06/04/2022

 No. of pages: 19

 Publication type: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.3390/polym14071491

 ISSN: 2073-4360
