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Nonlinear optimal Line-Of-Sight stabilization with Fuzzy Fain-Scheduling

Abstract: A nonlinear optimal controller with a fuzzy gain scheduler has been designed and applied to a Line-Of-Sight (LOS) stabilization system. Use of Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) theory is an optimal and simple manner of solving many control engineering problems. However, this method cannot be utilized directly for multigimbal LOS systems since they are nonlinear in nature. To adapt LQ controllers to nonlinear systems at least a linearization of the model plant is required. When the linearized model is only valid within the vicinity of an operating point a gain scheduler is required. Therefore, a Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System gain scheduler has been implemented, which keeps the asymptotic stability performance provided by the optimal feedback gain approach. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed controller is capable of overcoming disturbances and maintaining a satisfactory tracking performance.

 Fuente: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011, 5(8), 807-814

 Editorial: World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology

 Año de publicación: 2011

 Nº de páginas: 8

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 ISSN: 1307-6892
