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The role of consumer identification with the company on the effects of corporate social responsibility associations on consumer behavior

Abstract: One of the most important aspects in the field of hospitality marketing is to investigate the path to customer loyalty. In addition, another line of research is the construct of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that has recently been incorporated in the customer loyalty model. Therefore, this paper examines the effects of CSR associations on hotel customer loyalty by including the mediation effects of customer-company identification (C-C identification) and customer satisfaction. To test the proposed model empirically, personal surveys of hotel customers were conducted in the Spanish region of Cantabria using a structured questionnaire. The study finds that CSR associations have a direct effect on both C-C identification and customer satisfaction as well as an indirect effect on hotel customer loyalty via these two constructs. Second, C-C identification has a direct effect on hotel customer loyalty. This study contributes to the literature by incorporating three different perspectives of hotel customer loyalty ¯ CSR associations, C-C identification and customer satisfaction¯ into one general framework that highlights the central role played by C-C identification along the path from CSR associations to hotel customer satisfaction and loyalty.

 Fuente: REVISTA DE ANÁLISIS TURÍSTICO, nº 22, 2º semestre 2016, pp. 12-27

 Editorial: Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo (AECIT)

 Año de publicación: 2016

 Nº de páginas: 18

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 ISSN: 1885-2564,2254-0644
