Abstract: Amidst the new techniques facing the improvement of cooling and insulating efficiency and the design of electric transformers, constrained by the current technologies, one of the more promising is the substitution of traditional dielectric oils for nanofluids. Research on nanofluids for their application in transformers as a coolant and dielectric medium have been performed during the last two decades and continue today. This review tries to collect and analyze the available information in this field and to offer it already dissected to researchers, focusing on the preparation methods and how nanoparticles affect the main properties of the base fluids. Here we also addressed the influence of different parameters as particle characteristics or environmental conditions in nanofluids performance, the evolution with time of the measured properties, or the neighboring relationship of nanofluids with other transformer components. In this sense, the most reviewed articles reflect enhancements of thermal conductivity or dielectric strength, as well as an improvement of time evolution of these properties, with respect to those that are found in base fluids, and, also, a better interaction between these nanofluids and dielectric cellulosics. Thus, the use of dielectric nanofluids in transformers may allow these machines to work safer or over their design parameters, reducing the risk of failure of the electrical networks and enhancing their life expectancy. Nevertheless, these advantages will not be useful unless a proper stability of nanofluids is ensured, which is achieved in a small part of revised articles. A compendium of the preparation methodology with this aim is proposed, to be checked in future works.
Autoría: Olmo C., Méndez C., Quintanilla P.J., Ortiz F., Renedo C.J., Ortiz A.,
Fuente: Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(15), 2723
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 08/08/2022
Nº de páginas: 41
Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista
DOI: 10.3390/nano12152723
ISSN: 2079-4991
Proyecto español: PID2019-107126RB-C22