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Reseña de: Ruipérez Alamillo, Javier. Entre el federalismo y el confederalismo. Dificultades y problemas para la formulación de una teoría constitucional del estado de las autonomías,

Abstract: More than three decades after the approval of the Spanish Constitution and in spite of the big amount of studies and analysis that it has generated, there is still an important debate on the territorial distribution of power. This matter came to its highest point when the process to reform different Statutes of Autonomy started in 2003. As an answer to the aforementioned scenario, Professor Ruiperez?s book shows the need to elaborate a constitutional theory on the State of Autonomies. From this point of view he analyzes critically the difficulties and problems (both historic and politic) that has generated the current conceptual confusion on the matter, in order to determine the elements and pillars necessary to draw up a constitutional theory on the State of Autonomies.

 Fuente: Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, 2011, 28, 671-680

 Editorial: UNED

 Año de publicación: 2011

 Nº de páginas: 10

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 ISSN: 1139-5583,2174-8950