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Time-domain studies of gravitationally lensed quasars

Abstract: We present an overview and current results of an ongoing optical/NIR monitoring of seven gravitationally-lensed quasars (GLQs) with the 2-m Liverpool Robotic Telescope. The photometric data from the first seven years (2005?2011) of this programme are leading to high-quality light curves, which in turn are being used as key tools for different standard and novel studies. While brightness records of non-lensed distant quasars may contain unrecognized extrinsic variations, one can disentangle intrinsic from extrinsic signals in certain GLQs. Thus, some GLQs in our sample allow us to assess their extrinsic and intrinsic variations; we then discuss the origin of both kinds of fluctuations. We also demonstrate the usefulness of GLQ time-domain data for obtaining successful reverberation maps of the inner regions of accretion disks around distant supermassive black holes, and for estimating the redshifts of distant lensing galaxies.

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 Autoría: Goicoechea L., Shalyapin V.,

 Congreso: International Astronomical Union. Symposium S285: New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy (2011. Oxford)

 Editorial: Cambridge University Press

 Año de publicación: 2011

 Nº de páginas: 3

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921312000919

 ISSN: 1743-9213,1743-9221

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921312000919
