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A worldwide coastal analysis of the climate wave systems

Abstract: Wind generated waves of a sea state are generally the result of the superposition of wind sea and swells, making the frequency-direction wave energy distribution crucial for comprehending this behavior. Wave spectral partitioning methods provide groups of waves with similar characteristics, thus they have been usually applied to identify wind sea and swell. In addition, several swells can coexist in a sea state. This study develops a method to estimate the wave systems and analyze their characteristics over the coast worldwide using 32year (1989-2020) historical information and more than 10.000 locations. A wave system is considered as the long-term climate conditions prevailing over a frequencydirection wave energy area collecting similar environmental and physical characteristics. The method is applied for the hourly time series of the directional wave spectra. First, the watershed clustering algorithm is used and the partitions found are classified as wind sea or swells based on a wave age criterion. The information obtained from the swell spectral partitions is then used to estimate the probability of their occurrence within specific frequencydirection bins and the clustering algorithm is applied anew to this population in order to identify the number of significant long-term climate wave systems locally and their characteristics. Outcomes reveal that on average swells coexist with wind sea in approximately 70% of the global coast, whereas about 25% is predominantly dominated by pure swells and the wind sea dominates only in the 5%. Only the 2% of the global coast line presents one swell wave system. About 50% of the global coastal locations exhibit three and four, whereas the 15% presents two swell wave systems. The analysis shows that about 30% of the coastal locations present at least five swell wave systems, mostly on Pacific islands and enclosed seas.

 Autoría: Mazzaretto O.M., Menendez M.,

 Fuente: Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024, 11, 1385285

 Editorial: Frontiers Media

 Fecha de publicación: 21/05/2024

 Nº de páginas: 16

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1385285

 ISSN: 2296-7745
