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Evaluation of the mechanical performance of AC mixtures with recycled fibres

Abstract: Based on the positive results of most of the studies using virgin fibres to reinforce asphalt mixes, this work proposes the use of recycled fibres in order to go a step further in terms of environmental impact and cost-efficiency. Different experimental asphalt concrete (AC) mixtures are proposed, incorporating three types of recycled fibres. Mechanical performance is assessed through the Marshall, water sensitivity and wheel tracking tests, as well as stiffness and fatigue tests to assess dynamic performance. The results obtained from the different tests performed are analysed by means of a multi-criteria analysis to obtain the asphalt mix with the best performance. The results show that all the tested fibres are suitable for the reinforcement of asphalt mixtures, as the values obtained improved those of the reference mixture, although without reaching the behaviour of a mixture with polymer modified bitumen (PMB). The recycled aramid fibres showed the best results

 Autoría: Miera-Dominguez H., Lastra-González P., Indacoechea-Vega I., Castro-Fresno D.,

 Fuente: Developments in the Built Environment. 2024, 18, 100435

 Editorial: Elsevier

 Fecha de publicación: 01/04/2024

 Nº de páginas: 9

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100435

 ISSN: 2666-1659

 Proyecto español: PDC2022-133116-I00

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100435