Abstract: Based on the evolutionary resilience approach and using Principal Component Analysis, this paper proposes a composite weighted index to measure levels of rural resilience and, in addition, to unravel why some rural areas are less resilient than others. Taking the region of Cantabria (northern Spain) at the municipal level as a sort of "laboratory", the overall results unveil poor levels of resilience and suggest that the main factors limiting resilience are related to cultural interest, rural potential, natural endowment, and connectivity. Our findings also reveal considerable spatial heterogeneity across the different domains of resilience. As a specific contribution, the study brings together rural resilience levels and population growth (as population decline is the first direct consequence of a lack of resilience) in order to define different categories of rural territories, among which laggard rural areas are singled out as areas to be targeted for political intervention. When focusing on such areas, a crucial finding of the paper is that some municipalities that are lagging behind have not been included by the Regional Government as being at severe risk of depopulation, meaning that they cannot benefit from close public monitoring and fiscal support