Abstract: This paper analyses perceptions of the climate crisis by newsworkers of Slovenian (online) media and their news coverage of this topic. Through qualitative analysis of the in-depth interviews, the paper offers insights into the attitudes, perceptions, and motivations of selected Slovenian journalists and editors about climate change re-porting and new insights into journalism practice and environmental journalism in Slovenia in terms of the peculiarities and contextual factors that can influence cover-age of extreme weather events and climate change. The results show that the envi-ronmental and climate topics are underrepresented in Slovenian media, and these topics are covered in accordance with newsworthiness and public liking factors, and marketing neoliberal pressures to sell the news and make a profit. Such a commer-cialization and popularization of environmental journalism might lead to the pas-siveness of the audiences since it does not mobilize public awareness but rather rep-resents the environmental topic as just another story in the media. The lack of analyt-ical depth, critical problematization, wider contextualization of climate change, and the exaltation of journalistic norms of dramatization, eventization, noveltyization, and personalization prevent grasping the problem holistically.