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Efficiency analysis of spur gears with a shifting profile

Abstract: A model for the assessment of the energy efficiency of spur gears is presented in this study, which considers a shifting profile under different operating conditions (40–600 Nm and 1500–6000 rpm). Three factors affect the power losses resulting from friction forces in a lubricated spur gear pair, namely, the friction coefficient, sliding velocity and load sharing ratio. Friction forces were implemented using a Coulomb’s model with a constant friction coefficient which is the well-known Niemann formulation. Three different scenarios were developed to assess the effect of the shifting profile on the efficiency under different operating conditions. The first kept the exterior radii constant, the second maintained the theoretical contact ratio whilst in the third the exterior radii is defined by the shifting coefficient. The numerical results were compared with a traditional approach to assess the results.

 Autoría: Diez-Ibarbia A., del Rincon A., Iglesias M., de-Juan A., Garcia P., Viadero F.,

 Fuente: Meccanica, 2016, 51 (3), 707-723

 Editorial: Springer Netherlands

 Fecha de publicación: 01/03/2016

 Nº de páginas: 16

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0209-x

 ISSN: 1572-9648,0025-6455

 Proyecto español: DPI2013-44860

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-015-0209-x